Monday 15 August 2011


When the flagbearers of independent India redesigned the Tiranga they outlined some values to be represented by each colour, giving meaning and symbolism to it so that those values may be reminders of our duties as citizens of India. The core values of courage, purity, faith and justice were apt in the wake of a quest for freedom.

Today, after 64 years, our vibrant flag beckons us with the same values but in a slightly different perspective.

SAFFRON...the colour of COURAGE! Let it be the colour of fearlessness today…to call a spade a spade...the courage to question, to stand up to our rights, to not swallow false promises made to us, the courage to dream of a mighty India and the courage to help realize that dream. Let us also STOP COMPLAINING TOO MUCH and DO instead.

WHITE...the colour of PURITY, HONESTY, TRUTH! Let it be the colour of TRANSPARENCY. Let US UPHOLD the virtue of truth and honesty in our daily life first. Let us demand for transparency in governance, transparency in everyday deals, transparency in the court of law, and offices...where all dealings are fair and square, the way we are taught in school.

BLUE...the colour of LOYALTY, JUSTICE! Let us be LOYAL TO OUR DUTIES first, be it at home, at work or as a member of the society. Loyalty to the country will follow on its own then. Let us BE fair and just in OUR dealings first, beginning from our everyday life, give what is due where it is due and however much is due, maybe more if deserving but definitely not less. Let us demand for justice and fairness in our homes, shops, roads, transport and other services and also for fairness in the court of law.

GREEN...the colour of FAITH, LOVE, FERTILITY! Let us strive towards an ENVIRONMENT CONSCIOUS country and strive to make a 'green' India by learning to conserve, to use resources of water, electricity etc more sensibly, to educate and update ourselves with modern means of conservation, to recycle, to respect our trees and plants.

Let us also promote our nation's agrarian predisposition and revive the green revolution and be proud of the farmer who puts the food on our table.

Let green also stand for GOOD HEALTH THROUGH NATURAL WAYS - natural, organically grown, pesticide free foods, yoga, meditation, which is OURS, has been and will continue to be so only if we revive it and pass them on to the new generation.